Sunday, November 6, 2011

Growing up.

So...every mini vacation that I take to go back home somehow has the same kind of affect on me.
I have noticed it before but i don't think I've ever really tried to understand it.  Somehow it has this delicious yet largely unsettling quality.
It has a few distinct phases.
phase 1 -  overwhelming joy.The first week or so I am extremely happy to be home.Spending time with my little sister..almost getting lost in the memory of what it was like to be younger and when i used to live at home.
phase 2 -  Irritation. Little things annoy me.Things that might be minuscule to the naked eye..have a sort of way to get me to react in a melodramatic fashion.
phase 3 - *sigh*
 "i don't want to go,but i want to go"

Its so strange to come home after you live away for so long.I am so used to being on my own in a house full of people puts me in a place of unfamiliar territory. Come to think of it this used to be my my "home".
but this is what come home..everything looks the same...everything feels the same...everyone is the same...except for you.
You have changed.Sometimes for the better or worse..but you aren't the person that once lived here.
Its strange when you live in two places at once...neither one of them ends up being home.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tech-NO-logy. HI.
I haven't blogged in ages...and so the genius that I am..I forgot my address and password.
yeah I  Is that even possible,so yeah.It is.

Anyway I'm here that just goes to show I'm not as lame as I think I am when it comes down to

more, sooner than last time.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

So.Osama is dead?

Not a long time ago..i believed in the world..and its capabilities of control.I was oblivious to the many conspiracies surrounding me and the deceit that is the government.
Coincidentally...Osama bin laden is dead...the day after the Royal wedding....A week or so later after Obama has fingers pointed at him..Im not too sure about the timing of Osama's death but Im pretty sure it has nothing to do with him being a terrorist.
Terrorist.. ha.Thanks to the USA Arabs/Muslims everywhere have been racially profiled...and we were told its Osamas fault....then why didn't I feel the slightest bit of  resentment towards him...More than happiness i feel angry at this charade..i mean yeah great you got him. The supposed number one "terrorist"...regardless of the fact that it took you more than a decade to hunt him down out of his cave...while it doesn't stop them being peeping tom's to civilians all around the world.But the  real question now is..Whose next? Where are you waging war next? Who is the bad guy now? and at what price...
Im excited to know who their next enemy is.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

first time blogger i finally start... I've  always been wondering and wanting to start a blog..but im one of those people who believe that everything happens when its the right time for it to happen...Sometimes that judgement varies but hey,whose doesn't?

So today started off as one of those days where you're rolling around in bed and just wondering where your life is going...and I,for one have no idea.I mean i think i do..but the next thing I know I'm back to square one..its not that I'm indecisive..I'm uncertain mostly..I think. I lack faith in myself..which is funny because I'm GREAT at fishing out actual good advice..i just don't take it as my first timers rant..CHECK. haha..until later.

p.s. this was actually fun!